
Welcome! We want to know you better and encourage you in your life. We gather for worship each Sunday at 10:30 AM. When you arrive, you’ll be greeted by a friendly person who can answer any questions you might have.

On Sundays, we begin by keeping families together. Our singing blends hymns and worship songs, played by a small band. Songs contain biblically-inspired words to complement the sermon’s topic. After the music, we open our volunteer-staffed nursery for children up to age 5.

Pastor David Hammond speaks next, with sermons exploring portions of Scripture, usually as part of a series that covers a book of the Bible. Teaching and explaining concepts are his strength.

After the message, we celebrate the Lord’s Supper (“Communion”) with grape juice and gluten-free bread. Finally, we conclude the service with a final song. Refreshments are available every week afterwards.

In the backs of the pews, you will find our “Connect Cards” that you can fill out to communicate with us. You can request a visit from a pastor, pass along a praise report or a prayer request, or sign up for our weekly newsletter. (Don’t worry: we do not share your data, and we don’t bombard your inbox.) We have a box at the back of the sanctuary and another in the foyer where you can drop the cards.